Committed to Your Satisfaction
JC Davis
JC was born in the Philippines and moved to the United States when he was 12. During his upbringing, he was always around his father's shop, pumping fuel, working on his dad's race cars, or fixing a customer's car. JC also learned to work on car motors while helping his dad in the speed shop at a young age. To this day, JC helps friends with their Flathead Motors, a skill that is almost forgotten by most mechanics. After a short stint at OSU, JC joined the military. Through his military and post-military career JC traveled and worked in more than 100 countries and lived in 13, recently moving back to the States from Australia at the beginning of 2020. Over the years, he dabbled in upholstery for his own cars and friends' hotrods. In early 2022 he decided to leave his high-tech and engineering career to open his upholstery business, Chopped Upholstery & Custom.

Bob Davis
My dad was born in 1941 and raised by a Navy man; his mom passed when he was ten years old. By 16, he built a 32, three-window and was dragging Sunset and Hollywood every Friday and Saturday night. At 18, he was dirt track racing and hitting Bonneville Salt Flats with open-wheel, belly tankers and eventually went toward streamliners. He owned several speed shops around the Northwest, became a Master Mechanic, and taught me everything he could. My shop, Chopped Upholstery and Custom is paying homage to him, his core values, and his love and commitment to my mom, PJ Davis, until her passing after 47 years of marriage.
My dad passed in 2018 at 77 years old, still working on cars and loving the rodding community! RIP Mom and Dad!
Thank you for the hard knocks and great insight, but most of all, your love and support! You always gave us positive reinforcement! Ok, sometimes that meant the belt too. LOL